Call For Nominations!
The Nominations Committee seeks members of the Global Network for Blood Donation who wish to be considered for a seat on the Board of Directors.
Global Network for Blood Donation, A Rotarian Action Group
Call for Nominations – Board of Directors
We need individuals who are actively involved in promoting volunteer blood donation in their communities and within Rotary; leaders who will take an active role in developing and promoting the GNBD.
Meetings are held electronically; English is the common language. Candidates must be a member in good standing of a Rotary Club which is of good standing with Rotary International. Please see our website at for addition information about the GNBD and its governing documents.
To Apply
Send the following to the Nominations Committee, in care of
- A brief statement about your particular area of interest and role in the GNBD leadership
- Biography, CV, or resume discussing Rotary and blood donation related activities
- Telephone (Cell, home, office)
- Mailing Addres (city, State or Providence, Zip or Postal Code, Country)
- Rotary Club and District
- Which Rotary offices have you held?
Reply by e-mail to GNBD Nominations Committee
Nominations Committee Members: Daniel Long, B.J. Smith, C. Smit Sibinga (Chair)