Global Network for Blood Donation – A Rotarian Action Group
Annual Meeting
June 24, 2013
Attendees: B.J. Smith, Cees Smit Sibinga and Jean-Claude Brocart
Voting Proxy’s Received from : Charles Kurtzman, Kishore Kumar Cherukumali, Merlyn Sayers, William Stetter, Hassan Adelakun, Olafur Helgi Kjartansson, Joe Ridley
Call to Order:
B.J. Smith called the meeting to order at approximately 12:15PM local time.
Club 25:
Stephanie Hood with Club 25 is exhibiting in the House of Friendship. B.J. invited Stephanie to attend the Annual Meeting to discuss potential synergies between Club 25 and the GNBD. Club 25 is global peer-to-peer grassroots social club of young people committed to saving lives by regularly donating blood. Its members are between 16-25 years old and commit to donating 25 times before reaching age 25.
Cees is currently assisting individuals in the nations of Montenegro and Kyrgyzstan. Cees agreed to introduce the concept of Club 25 to the individuals in those nations and pass along Stephanie’s contact information. B.J. shared the GNBD’s relationship with ADRP and suggested we engage ADRP about their interest with introducing Club 25 to its membership.
Relationship with Global Blood Fund:
The draft memorandum of understanding between the GNBD and the Global Blood Fund was reviewed and approved for execution.
New Board Members:
The current Editor for the GNBD, Michelle Stefan (USA) was appointed as a Director.
RAG Committee Chair Meeting :
The important point is the full recognition of RAGs by Evanston. Is was stated by the RI Board representative that the Board now sees an important role for RAGs in the promotion of the six areas of focus and the initiation of sustainable projects through the networks that have been created. An idea to handle RAG similar to Rotary Fellowships was not welcomed given the distinct difference in interest and operations.
Branding Blood Collection Efforts:
Jean-Claude Brocart expressed concerns about Rotarian blood collection efforts not being unified under one name or brand. Jean-Claude proposed branding Rotarian blood collection efforts under the theme of My Blood for Others. Attendees discussed the success of the Governors’ Challenge blood drives in the USA and India and agreed the GNBD should be promoting both themes within our membership. Attendees agreed to discuss with the greater membership on a future conference call.
Director Emeritus:
B.J. made a motion proposing to appoint the GNBD founders, Chuck Kurtzman and Haagen Cumlet to the positions of Director Emeritus. The board unanimously approved the appointment.
GNBD Director Responsibilities:
The board discussed the responsibility of a board member of the GNBD. There was discussion about current board members in attendance at the conference and their unwillingness to promote our cause by representing the GNBD in our booth. Cees agreed to draft a document defining responsibilities for Directors.
B.J. adjourned the meeting at approximately 12:55PM local time.