Submitted by: Pasquale Russo, Rotary Club of Campania, Napoli
The gift of blood in our country is a voluntary, anonymous, responsible, periodic and free act.
In Italy, the legislator, to encourage blood donations and to guarantee blood and his components, the donor grants employees the right to take time off work for the day when you make your donation, maintaining the normal salary; despite this the number of donors in 2015 is slightly down compared to the previous two years. This is a significant fact because it is to be referred to the difficulties in recruiting new donors and, in particular, to ensure generational replacement of the same, against the general negative demographic trends in Italy with particular attention about Campania Region , which results in a decrease of donors among younger age groups.
The Rotary Club Campania – Napoli (2100 District – Italy) , given the particular importance of the subject, has started a campaign “The best gift: Xmas Blood Donation” to raise awareness of blood donation in collaboration with the Blood Transfusion Centre of the Pediatric Hospital Santobono-Pausilipon of Napoli City
The communication initiative is intended to rise public awareness of the importance of voluntary donation as a sign of solidarity, also aim to increase the number of new donors, to retain the occasional donors, promoting greater participation during winter months and a more organized donation program during the year, avoiding a shortage of blood during the moments where it is necessary.
We went to talk in the schools, university, recreational and sports club of the city, neighborhood committees , we published a short advertisement on local newspaper .. a large chain of solidarity The best gift that has been made is to see more than one hundred young people (18-35 years) in 24th December 2015 that are waiting their moment to donate blood; and for us this is the best goal achieved: to educate them to the culture of solidarity and attention towards others because donating blood is a gratuitous gesture of solidarity and altruism, is an act that is good for others and doing good to themselves both on a psychological level, and because the donor is encouraged to lead healthy lifestyles and correct and make free preventive control of their health. It 'also important to remember that the donation is painless, requires little time, is simple and safe for the donor and for who receive.
How many of these 100 young people ultimately donated blood? How many of them were first time donor?
TOTAL 114 donors (46 female + 68 male)
- 71 guys It was first donation
- 22 guys have donated more than 10 months ago
- 17 guys have donated 6 months ago
- 4 guys have donated more than 1 year ago
How much of the collected blood was eventually used in the pediatric hospital Santobono-Pausilipon?
The whole blood collected is available for Pausilipon Hospital but if there is an emergency it can be used in another hospital.
What is your RC Campania-Napoli doing to retain these donors to become regular donors?
Even if the Hospital has already database, We have created a new one and we are delevoping a Phone APP to contact everyone in case of emergency..the Application is able to communicate blood exam results quickly.
With which Blood Center do you collaborate?
Presidio Ospedaliero Pausilipon - Centro Trasfusionale
Via Posillipo 223, Napoli
Pasquale Russo
Club President & Charter Member
Rotary Club Campania - Napoli